Friday, August 8, 2008


The Ten Biggest Legends of the Hacker Universe
The culture started from the, The hackers culture. Now I am a security official and many more people like me either interested in or wanted to be hacker , DO you know why is that so ? Answer is these guys made term hacking popular worldwide. I know they were bad boys , but as an security official I salute their intelligence , their dedication , and everything they did.
For the users of this blog I am specially posting the names of top 10 hackers of the world who somtime in the past really rocked the news of the world.

Kevin Mitnick: Known worldwide as the “most famous hacker” and for having been the first to serve a prison sentence for infiltrating computer systems. He started dabbling when he was a minor, using the practice known as phone phreaking. Although he has never worked in programming, Mitnick is totally convinced that you can cause severe damage with a telephone and some calls. These days, totally distanced from his old hobbies and after passing many years behind bars, he works as a security consultant for multinational companies through his company “Mitnick Security.”

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